April 2017 |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
3 [8] PP8a Week 76
Thornton steam tunnel Stadium Road at JPA 2x 2 glovebags asbestos pipe insulation for May shutdown. Create project. Close project. Help install signs at Medical Center. (4-3 comment) Payroll problem again starting this pay period. Management won't honor 40-hour work week IRS definition because new AIM interface makes it too difficult to correct. Human Resources never heard of AIM but said time should be corrected. I need to go back to my manager. I explained the reason I came to HR is the manager has become a brick wall on this issue. So I have to write another email to HR and get an official letter to address unintended effects of Leave and Overtime in same pay week. This time since May 2016 I have documented the policy to treat flexible schedule as fixed academic, by accounting for hours not worked instead of letting the software function properly. See calendar (3-31 comment). (Issue has been paraphrased many times.) Timesheets. |
4 [8]
Help install more signs at Medical Center.![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() New safety shoes from Redwing Truck. Shoe bureaucracy sent e-mail notice of 90-day window. Create project "Safety Shoes" to collect activity for display. Create project name "Leave overtime same week" to collect all the comments and activity to a timeline. My plan eventually is to import this site to MicroSoft Project format and continue on.
5 [8]
Install/ repair/ replace various signs.![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() (4-5 comment) Does LEAVE = 40 – time missed in 7 days? ..OR.. Does LEAVE = 40 – time missed from the schedule? For PP7b, 8 hours leave is taken but 40–36 hours worked = 4. Current Status: HR is looking for the policy reason that LEAVE is not 40 – hours worked in 7 days. I don't think there is such a policy. I will wait a few weeks for a response then weigh my options. This has been going on for me for 7 years. And I want my leave back. Others will have to weigh their options. I have been fighting this for years. I joined Project Management Institute only 3 days ago. So it's not really a secret. I wrote about it 3 years ago when I applied for supervisor. So the management has been recalcitrant, allowing problems to grow instead of addressing the actual issue. The right company will see me as a leader of high integrity, an asset to their bottom line. Remember the 40-hour work week exists to benefit the company's productivity and profit. Study going around online: Over-work is #1 reason people quit. Excessive overtime leads to mistakes, accidents, and bad attitudes. |
6 [8] 1071 Pinn (Jordan) Hall(8 hours). 5 days from 1-30 to 2-3 Week 67. "Wed 2-1-2017. Jordan 1071. Day 3. White asbestos in 2 locations behind duct...in a hollow and narrow gap where vertical down T-intersection. Gap between duct and wall is bridged with styrofoam strips and FSK tape. Gap between duct and corrugated ceiling cellulose is stuffed with rock wool. Duct extends into an adjacent room." Today would be a new project since it appears to be a different work order number. As future project manager, some day my name will appear on these permits posted on the hallway door. (6 a.m. Pinn Hall install plastic barriers for plumbers asbestos above drop ceiling.)(4-5 calendar, miscommunication) (10 photos) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() (From Week 67) ![]() ![]() |
7 [8] Payday PP7.
Pavilion II Academical Village stick top valence velcro-backed to blinds. Half-dozen won't fit, to be trimmed down |
8 | 9 [PP8a= 40 Hours.]
(4-7 comment) Oops! There it is! Payslip tells the story. X = Hours worked in designated 7-day work-week.
40 – X = Leave. For Pay Period 7 second week... 40 – 36 = 4. But 8 Leave is taken. Timesheet says 4 of the 36 were Overtime. But Payslip says all 36 are straight time and 8 Leave are taken, not 40–X. Now imagine you work 5 days 40 hours straight pay and must use 8 Leave. That scenario is playing out on a larger scale than this department. A nearby renovation requires that crews work 6 days. Workers are calling out during the week. Still working 40 and paid for 40 hours, not 44 as timesheet implies. So the 8 hours Leave is taken with no compensation, not the half-price from time-and-a-half. |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
10 [8] PP8b Week 77
Asbestos steam tunnel repair Memorial Gym to Mary Munford House(8 hours). (service complete) (comment= First time department has used this Confined Space procedure. When I turned on the generator to run the HEPA vacuum, my air gas monitor started going off for CO carbon monoxide. When I lifted the monitor to eye-level, it stopped alarming. Good example of heavier than air. Monitors inside Confined Space did not alarm. I moved the generator farther away still upwind but it worked. The heavy traffic did not trigger alarms. It's amazing how doing a job right can make you feel good.) (4-7 calendar) (Wilsdorf pallets to break down into dumpster for Monday.) (calendar 4-11) (4-7 calendar 4-10) |
11 [8]
Multistory Hospital West CTR 2691 floor tile mastic 2 spots few square feet. Dry Ice opens at 9 a.m.![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Confined Space training near our shop. Photo of opportunity. Wilsdorf pallets to break down into dumpster for Monday. (service, job status unknown) (4-11 comment) Much drama today, none of it from me. Department dysfunctional. Information about upcoming jobs is held secret, so you can't prepare. Questions receive one-word answers. So confusion is guaranteed. Fri 5 a.m job is changed without telling me. Of course it may have been discussed in a noisy area at a distance facing away, so they can say I was right there. For prospective employers, if I'm hired to supervise your crew, I will not isolate employees. I will give a daily briefing while making eye contact with everyone. I will write down the schedule, not expecting you or I can remember everything. I already have an online calendar. I think it's a perceived power struggle. Withholding information makes it more difficult to maintain the calendar and advance in a career path. |
12 [8] Wilsdorf pallets to break down into dumpster for Monday. (service day 2)![]() Clean up storage units. Haul away trash. (4-12 comment) These are the final days of the in-house asbestos department. Work is scarce. Morale is low. Bad attitude and smart phone addiction is at maximum. Someone who is not my boss is bossing me around and barking out orders. The Workplace Bully is in a bad cycle and the real boss is a silent eye-witness. So we've had a company policy that it's okay to bully. Since most people prefer the bully over the bully's victim, I don't want people to know. I assure you if I were supervisor, it would be like a different planet and the bully would have to go. My 20-point plan to modernize the asbestos department dedicated 10 points to personnel issues. All that was rejected by management. I started this work journal because the company-hosted Collab idea was rejected. Why would anybody want to collaborate with other asbestos professionals, or want to show what they do at work? In the current crisis they could delegate some of the planning to me, but instead they restrict access. I hope to be reassigned or draw unemployment toward a better job as this sinking slave ship finally goes under. |
13 [8] 4:00 p.m. Dentist.
(5 p.m. Scrape Lead Paint Old Med School 6th floor air handler.)(service) (comment= I was excused at last minute. Reminded me of a previous supervisor who asked if I could work on Saturday first day of my vacation. I said okay. Then Friday at 3 o'clock he says he doesn't need me. Well, I had changed my plans from Saturday to Monday. I never said anything, never complained. So the recent email about respecting people's time off was ironic or sarcastic.) (4-11 calendar 4-13, 5 am change to 5 pm, just happened to ask) (4-7 calendar 4-14) Old Medical School 5809 one-glovebag and 4808 four-glovebags asbestos. (service complete) |
14 [4] Wilsdorf pallets to break down into dumpster for Monday. (service day 3)![]() ![]() Department meeting. Last Day at University of Virginia. |
15 Nothing scheduled as of Thursday close-of-business department protocol. A past worker tells the story. He would ask on Monday if we're working on Saturday, 5 days later. Supervisor would say, Don't know yet. 36 hours notice would be a minimum unless bona fide emergency.
(4-13 comment) Through all the drama I must maintain mental discipline. The photos tell a coherent story. Yeah I've got 2 bosses. Real boss tells me to do something. Few minutes later Fake boss sends me a text telling me to do the same thing. So I'm in a You're-not-the-boss-of-me Power Struggle with someone who is not my boss. His power struggle is Yes-I-am-your-boss. I keep working for a salary, a livelihood. So it's serious business. Just got to keep praying for protection and opportunity. |
16 [PP8b= 36 + 4 UL. PP8= (40) + (36+4 UL). Leave 142–4= 138. Comp 6.] Timesheets.
I am resigning effective immediately from my position of Environmental Remediation (asbestos worker) for 7 years, the strangest, most dangerous, most stressful job I've ever had. Under the circumstances, a 2-week notice would be inappropriate and disruptive. Solution of Friday's meeting was to forgive and forget, and make no visible changes. The status quo. The department is waiting for the current workers to move on in order to expand and hire a new crew. Now is the time for change. I expect great personal sacrifice. I'm unlikely to find a traditional job because of my age, stigma of asbestos, stigma of college, stigma as target of a workplace bully. I feel like I'm coming out of prison or isolation. It will take a while to get back to normal. During this life-changing Easter, I must place my faith in something other than this job. If not for the photo work journal (now archived) I would have nothing to show for these past 7 years. Although technically single, I have a non-traditional family. They support my decision. They remember what I was like before this job. They hope that person can come back. I hope so too. [...] This work blog is now Archive Status. |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
17 PP9a Week 78 | 18 | 19 | 20 8:30–10:00 a.m. Project Services All-Hands Meeting at Zehmer Hall. (3-3 calendar)![]() |
21 Payday PP8. | 22 | 23 |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
24 PP9b Week 79 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
Possible Heating Plant glovebag asbestos pipe insulation. Heating plant vivarium steam tunnel. 2 sets 2 glovebags for asbestos pipe insulation. Need temperature shutdown, measured 209°F infra-red gun. Glovebag melts at 150°F. Crew safety consideration for extended exposure to elevated temperatures. (3-31, service 2 hours, off calendar) (3-30 calendar)
JAG 3rd phase 5th floor alumni bar renovation. (Fri 2-3)
Old Med School 1766A. Asbestos pipe insulation. (Mon 3-13)
(Thu 3-16 Looked at it. Need temperature shutdown measured 177°F. Need schedule when people not in area (4 working).
Kerchof asbestos floor tile mastic 4 rooms(306, 304 shown). 5th room (326) already done. Estimated 7 work-days 3-man crew. Not-to-exceed price estimate. Start window Monday June 5 to early July. (Fri 3-24)
Red text is the future.
A single (date) is project's birthday, when given a project name, placed on or off calendar or date of unscheduled service. You still get a project name=work order number + log of entries (text+images). It might only be one entry. Your smart phone can zoom into my calendar. As I transition to MicroSoft Project, I need to open a workspace of projects. When program selects Calendar, you should see what I have done in webpage format.
(date calendar date) First date is date of entry. Second date is the action. So (3-21 calendar 4-1) means on 3-21 the project was put onto calendar for 4-1. Dates can move around so this is how you track schedule changes and other counters (like work hours).
Example. March 18. Zehmer 118 (hours).(service day 2) (3-16 calendar) (3-14 meeting) (3-10 service cancelled) (Sat 2-25 service) (2-2 initial meeting).
If you like what you see and want to see more, here's my most recent Cover Letter Feb. 14, 2017 with links to the résumé, certifications, contact.
Next steps on the road to Project Manager.
(a) Project Management Institute, Member Since April 2, 2017. Membership $129 includes PMBOK pdf.
(b) 4-Day Boot Camp this fall class at community college.
(c) Take test at Lynchburg or Richmond within 2 weeks. Become CAPM Certified Assistant Project Manager to work under a PMP Project Management Professional.
(d) Previously 3-day course Sep. 2016 Week 48 and maintain this calendar.