Date: Saturday September 26, 2015
Estimated Start: 7:00 AM Finish: 10:00 AM
Removal Start: Finish:
Steam Shutdown: 6:00 AM.
Danger Level: 3 on a scale from zero to 4. Temperature high. Humidity high. Potential for hot pipes. High-powered insulated electric lines in contact with insulation and glovebag. Areas hard to reach on ladder.
Manpower: 2 men. Blair will do the removal.
Phase 1: Finish preparations. Inspector looks closely at work area and gives a briefing. Bring in all equipment. (a) Protective suits and respirators (b) Clock, notecards, fine point permanent marker because you won't remember when you started or know how long you've been in a Level 3 Danger Zone (c) Soap to amend the water (d) Shoebox vacuum to create negative pressure in long line of glovebags. Might suck air in from adjacent rooms. Filter traps particlates, but fumes and vapor flow right trhough (e) AIR MONITOR to determine safe air for crew and animals (f) Asbestos monitor in the breathing zone will be worn by Blair. (g) Hand Tools (h) Take a 5-minute break to eat a snack and drink fluids
Phase 2: Put on proper PPE. Write down the time where you can easily see it. Whoever assumes the role of helper must keep a clear head and pay attention. The helper should not become so involved in the actual work that he becomes dehydrated and not thinking straight. The helper can take pictures of work being performed, safety measure in place, etc. NO distracting use of smart phones.
Phase 3: Do the removal. Estimated time in full PPE: 1 hour. If the helper sees that things are slower and will take take an hour and a half, then stop and take a break and come back to it. If you don't take the break, it will probably take even longer to complete as your body is further stressed by the environment.
Phase 4: Clean up and transport waste bags to special dumpster. Inform utilities it's safe to turn the steam back on. Make sure the asbestos sample reaches the inspector in a timely fashion even if you must drive and deliver it. Use the Air Monitor's USB to download the chart how air quality varied over time.
Job Briefing by Blair Hawkins, 434-566-6104.
Debriefing: How did it go? I completed the removal in 50 minutes. But work was added, an elbow at ceiling-wall above other pipes. I had shortness of breath and would have needed a break. My shirt, underwear and pants were soaked. So the helper stepped in for final 15 minutes. And I assumed the light duty.
The clock system worked like a charm. Not once did I ask for the time. The removal was 7:30 to 8:35 when I took off my PPE and began to take things to the van. The helper continued to clean the actual worksite another 15 minutes. Now I can say Danger Level 3 means 45 minutes of hands-on work before it becomes life-threatening. I made up the danger scale based on the fire diamond to give respect to danger and safety.
There was no personal asbestos monitor. It was an area monitor the inspector set up and took down. The next step is to find out the sample evaluation and record it.