Blair's Magazine of Lost History | Charlottesville, Virginia | |
City Council was running scared. A single Republican (Rob Schilling) had won two years earlier. The commission to study ward-mayor system passed 3 to 1 on April 6 at 2:03 am. The Democrats, elected in 2000 who called for reform, now became steadfast oppenents of reform...until out of office again. 13 ex-mayors (8 pictured) signed a partisan letter to threaten political repercussion. Ousted Dem Meredith Richards received 700+ write-in votes but not running. Urban renewal and eminent domain became a force as I identified by name and photo the urban renewal officials who were denying their political legacies and erasing local history were hammering our "respected" leaders. These criminals are still held in high regard and their names on the West Main bridge as proud opponents of civil rights. This past year we saw what the segregationist At-Large city council is Racism from 1920s KKK era. Democrats want to rid the city of the Lee statue but refuse to purge the Racism from City Council and its push to expand urban renewal (hate crime right now by local Housing Authority). This November we have another opportunity to waste our time voting in the racist At-Large system designed to shut out minorities and prevent any reforms. Republicans are only a third of city voters. Archives June 2000 to July 2005. Pages 49 to 72 in 3-meg PDF. — Mar. 19, 2004. Public has look at Council candidates: Affordable housing theme. Kenneth Jackson stole the show by speaking plainly and with color. The only candidate born and raised in Charlottesville, he was the only candidate to speak with historical perspective of a serious nature. Kendra Hamilton, the only other black candidate, said that "southerners live in the past", mentioned Vinegar Hill and Jefferson School, and said "we'd be nothing without our stories." Jackson said the city's population of 40,000 has remained steady since 1970, but the number of city employees has increased from 200 to 800. He recalled a time when there was affordable housing in Charlottesville. He said there is no shortage of housing. Housing prices are inflated and other cities, such as Norfolk, seem to have affordable housing. He said we are the smallest city in Virginia but have the third highest cost of living. He said we need "realistic jobs" and pointed out that Ivy Industries in the Garrett district, which closed recently, employed 350 people. The only question that seemed to fluster him was this: would you support city marriage licenses being issued for gay couples? Although Jackson has a 15-year-old daughter, he is gay. All six candidates said they support civil unions and agreed that marriage is a state, federal, or religious issue. Despite his frustration, Jackson did not appear on the verge of losing self-control. (He has 4 misdemeanor convictions for violence, the most recent in 1995.) — Apr. 20, 2004. Republicans give press conference the day before League of Women Voters' candidates forum. (Brandon Smith calls Rob Schilling a carpetbagger.) At 12:20, Kenneth Jackson began his speech. He said, as a native of Charlottesville, he has seen a decrease in viable businesses and jobs. He said we must not "lose sight of the city's responsibility to be good stewards of public funds." He referred to the proposed transit hub to be built in front of city hall and Fridays After Five as a "poorly located transit center." He said we should avoid programs and projects that are "all show and no-go." In his final remark, Jackson said, if elected, the Republicans will not cut funding for city education.
Republican Kenneth Jackson was the only candidate familiar with the issue. He said this happened to him four years ago and that house is now a parking lot. He acknoweledged that urban renewal land transfers have been common and continue to this day. He said this is just one of the many "dirty little secrets" they don't want us to know. — Apr. 28, 2004. NAACP Forum 13 Questions. Rick Turner theatrics on display. JACKSON: He said he was the "homegrown tomato," the 37-year-old city native who grew up in the Starr Hill neighborhood. He said he has the experience because he's "been there" and "lived it." In regard to leadership, he said he would "roll up his sleeves" and take the job serious. He promised to represent each and every citizen, maintain financial stability and quality education, and try to close the achievement gap. — Apr. 29, 2004. Write-in Meredith Richards campaign is real: Ex-mayors endorse party line-up. — Apr. 30, 2004. Former urban renewal / water board chairman endorses Democrats for Council. — May 4, 2004. Eminent domain issue in Council race for #1 City in USA: Get out the vote! "Mr. Jefferson would be Proud: Charlotesville is Number 1", Mar 29, USA Today. The highlight of the campaign so far may be Apr 29 when 13 former mayors warned the public that the Dems have been here a long time and will be here long after these trouble-making Republicans have gone away. So you better vote Democrat. Yet only the Republicans offer a native candidate....
— May 13, 2004. Election Analysis. Ward / Precinct
--- May 4 2004 --- Total registered voters (precinct)=total# 3478(A) 2160(B) 1785(C) 2690(D) 1530(E) 3352(F) 3210(G) 1661(H)=19866# Total who voted (precinct)=total# 1126(A) 470(B) 493(C) 1087(D) 328(E) 889(F) 515(G) 271(H) 160(X)=5339# (precinct)percent of who voted of total registered in the precinct (A)32% (B)22% (C)28% (D)40% (E)21% (F)27% (G)16% (H)16% =5339/19866=27% Total who voted (precinct)percent of total registered in the precinct 1126(A)32% 470(B)22% 493(C)28% 1087(D)40% 328(E)21% 889(F)27% 515(G)16% 271(H)16% 160(X)3% =5339/19866=27% ----------------------------------------- Recreation(A) Clark(B) Carver(C) Walker(D) Tonsler(E) Jefferson Park(F) Venable(G) Alumni Hall(H) Absentees(X) ----------------------------------------- HAMILTON 3465 705(A)63% 302(B)64% 379(C)77% 633(D)58% 267(E)81% 639(F)61% 352(G)68% 185(H)68% 103(X)=3465/5339=65% 3465/19866=17% BROWN 3366 701(A)62% 283(B)60% 365(C)74% 649(D)60% 221(E)67% 510(F)57% 346(G)67% 186(H)69% 105(X)=3366/5339=63% 3366/19866=17% LYNCH 3183 619(A)55% 282(B)60% 343(C)70% 598(D)55% 228(E)70% 496(F)56% 340(G)66% 181(H)67% 96(X)=3183/5339=60% 3183/19866=16% REINICKE 1782 403(A)36% 167(B)36% 113(C)23% 419(D)39% 67(E)20% 331(F)37% 143(G)28% 86(H)32% 53(X)=1782/5339=33% 1782/19866=9% JACKSON 1557 319(A)28% 156(B)33% 110(C)22% 386(D)34% 83(E)25% 274(F)31% 143(G)28% 64(H)24% 40(X)=1557/5339=29% 1557/19866=8% WRITEINS 778 (Meredith Richards? breakdown not yet available) 217(A)19% 59(B)13% 50(C)10% 169(D)16% 17(E)5% 141(F)16% 50(G)10 40(H)15% 35(X)(22% of 160 writeins)=778/5339=15% 778/19866=4% HIGH 717 170(A)15% 68(B)14% 36(C)7% 159(D)15% 19(E)6% 166(F)19% 53(G)10% 30(H)11% 16(X)=717/5339=13% 717/19866=4% ----------------------------------------- Recreation(A) Clark(B) Carver(C) Walker(D) Tonsler(E) Jefferson Park(F) Venable(G) Alumni Hall(H) Absentees(X) ----------------------------------------- --- May 7 2002 --- Total registered voters(precinct) 3493(A) 2108(B) 1717(C) 2668(D) 1449(E) 3413(F) 3155(G) 1818(H)=19821# Total who voted(precinct) 978(A) 335(B) 335(C) 1010(D) 208(E) 730(F) 457(G) 233(H) 89(X)=4375# Voter turnout(precinct) (A)28% (B)16% (C)20% (D)38% (E)14% (F)21% (G)14% (H)13% =4375/19821=22% (candidate) (total votes) (percent of total who voted) (percent of total registered) CARAVATI 2528 58% 13% 539(A) 171(B) 227(C) 558(D) 147(E) 403(F) 291(G) 138(H) 54(X) SCHILLING 2169 50% 11% 495(A) 170(B) 125(C) 560(D) 70(E) 373(F) 231(G) 107(H) 38(X) SEARLS 2085 48% 11% 450(A) 156(B) 206(C) 428(D) 126(E) 345(F) 209(G) 120(H) 45(X) SALIDIS 614 14% 3% 169(A) 90(B) 29(C) 105(D) 22(E) 117(F) 33(G) 40(H) 9(X) ----------------------------------------- Recreation(A) Clark(B) Carver(C) Walker(D) Tonsler(E) Jefferson Park(F) Venable(G) Alumni Hall(H) Absentees(X) ----------------------------------------- Total registered voters(precinct) --- May 7 2002 --- 3493(A) 2108(B) 1717(C) 2668(D) 1449(E) 3413(F) 3155(G) 1818(H)=19821# 3478(A) 2160(B) 1785(C) 2690(D) 1530(E) 3352(F) 3210(G) 1661(H)=19866# --- May 4 2004 --- Total who voted (precinct)=total# --- May 7 2002 --- 1126(A) 470(B) 493(C) 1087(D) 328(E) 889(F) 515(G) 271(H) 160(X)=5339# 978(A) 335(B) 335(C) 1010(D) 208(E) 730(F) 457(G) 233(H) 89(X)=4375# --- May 4 2004 --- (precinct)percent of who voted of total registered in the precinct --- May 7 2002 --- (A)28% (B)16% (C)20% (D)38% (E)14% (F)21% (G)14% (H)13% =4375/19821=22% (A)32% (B)22% (C)28% (D)40% (E)21% (F)27% (G)16% (H)16% =5339/19866=27% --- May 4 2004 --- Charlottesville Independent Media, May 13, 2004. Single-shot vote for Kenneth Jackson in November for Charlottesville City Council.
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