UPDATE 2:00 p.m. day after rally. Event organizer is scheduled to hold a news conference. On Aug. 12 the police deliberately allowed the establishment Antifa fascists to attack the peaceful Unite the Right rally. At 12:00 p.m. rally participants fled the pepper spray, rocks, bottles, paint and other liquids tossed into the crowd. Hours later the Alt-Right were live streaming complaints to Facebook from their their motel rooms while Antifa continued to riot. Other members fled to the suburban McIntire Park. Video of police moving in was filmed well after the Alt-Right had fled Lee Park. One person died at the scene of a car accident which injured others. A helicopter crash killed 2 state troopers hours after the Alt-Right had dispersed. Criminal responsibility goes to Charlottesville Mayor Mike Signer, who has been silencing speech since he took office Jan. 2016. A year later in a similar, unopposed but illegal rally, the anti-American bigot declared himself the leader of the Capital of the Resistance to laws and President Trump. Charlottesville's hatred of history has put Blair Hawkins in a unique position as the only person who has the local history President Trump wants to study. Blair's Magazine will request the President attend the next peaceful rally to save American history and the Robert E. Lee monument. To save the right to speak out and release political pressure, in order to prevent violence. The Mayor's felony act in opposition of First Amendment rights has caused the violence. The Mayor and city government should be compelled by court order to attend the next rally for racial equality alongside the President himself. UPDATE 4:30 p.m. eve of rally. Confusion is now a political strategy to disrupt the event. The peaceful assembly is approved if relocated to suburban McIntire Park. Awaiting court ruling on last-minute injunction to permit the rally at Lee Park. The buzz from the organizer and social media is people are going anyway. Police are preparing both Lee and McIntire parks. Some incident with an alt-right leader at our suburban Walmart is unfolding. The 2 Antifa groups are unhindered. Establishment media are publishing racist statements of resolve from the fascist groups. We must make sure the true history of this event is recorded for the future. Charlottesville, Va.— The Alt-Right will rally in Lee Park on Saturday Aug. 12. The Alt-Left Antifa groups will stage attacks from the two parks on either side, McGuffey and Jackson Parks. The Left were granted permits without hassle. Two days before the event, the rally was approved Thursday after a lawsuit was filed. The two groups had confrontations earlier this year in Lee park, resulting in arrests on both sides, including a candidate for commonwealth's attorney Jeffrey Fogel; harassment and death threats from Antifa circulated in social media and posted on downtown kiosks. After the investigations, Antifa said they had been harrassed by the police, who were trying to regain public trust after standing down for the initial conflicts. Downtown businesses, City Council, University of Virginia, Chamber of Commerce, AirBnb and others have sided with the violent Antifa groups against racial equality and historic preservation. In February politicians and radio hosts found themselves in a tussle with Antifa for the first time, and shouted down by a demonic chant lasting more than 30 minutes. If they had not been there, and no social media to show the reality, you would have to believe the mainstream media's narrative that the Alt-Right is the problem. "Hey Hey Ho Ho White Supremacy's got to go. Hey Hey Ho Ho..." - Antifa.
Wait a minute. City Council has moved the Lee rally away from downtown to McIntire Park. The ACLU and Rutherford Institute are now defending the event organizer Jason Kessler's right to assemble at Lee
On May 3 a judge granted a 6-month injunction. The confederate monument is still under threat. On Feb. 6 City Council voted 3 to 2 to move the statue and rename the two confederate parks despite an online suggestion box where more than 80% submitted the names of Lee and Jackson. Robert E. Lee Park was renamed Emancipation Park, the first city park donated in 1917 by local philantropist Paul Goodloe McIntire. Stonewall Jackson Park was renamed Justice Park, the second city park 1919. McIntire donated 3 other city parks, Belmont, Washington; and McIntire Park at the US-250 Bypass where Council wants to move the rally. The 5 parks were racially segregated per deed covenant. Washington was the only park for blacks, about 40% of city population now down to 20%, which is down from 52% in the decades following the Civil War. The monuments have different meanings to different people. The supporters see them as symbols of the Civil War and southern heritage. The purpose of the statues was to focus the narrative back to 1865. The Lee statue was installed in 1924. Something happened between 1865 and 1924 that the monument was intended to obscure. The Golden Age of Race Relations. In many ways the Golden Age of Charlottesville.
The vote was a political compromise for an Equity Package and a field house at 1946 Tonsler Park, named for former slave Benjamin Tonsler who attended the first Jefferson School in 1865, which inspired Virginia public schools 1870. Tonsler returned as a teacher and became principal 1883 until his death 1917. He's buried in the 1873 Daughters of Zion Cemetery for affluent blacks, also called Society Cemetery. Their Facebook group is active in posting newspaper clips from the Golden Age, and shows the history the monuments were intended to deflect. That scenario is repeating today with the Vinegar Hill monument, intended to focus the Urban Renewal narrative back to 1960, and erase the 80% percent of lost neighborhoods, business and industry under the same program that continues today. Council has been blocking publication of the public housing archives since 2007. The 3-year fund-raising campaign for $300,000 stalled at $20,000 thanks to social media pointing out the effort to minimize urban renewal to only one project, and isolate blacks as the only target of eminent domain to seize and sell real estate.
The rise of black society and black culture. A reversal of the legacy of former slave John West, who became a wealthy land developer, the Rise of Black Real Estate Speculators. He built a neighborhood and business strip, and sold parcels to other black people, a haven for freed slaves. Land ownership transformed Charlottesville into a paragon of black empowerment, which attracted luminaries like Booker T. Washington and many others.
How does home ownership reduce crime and violence? You put up your property as bond to bail your kids out of jail. They don't flee, and start behaving so you won't lose your house. You can bail anybody out of jail. The cheapest real estate is enough to post bail for most offenses. But your public housing is worthless in this respect. A recent leftist activist group Cville Solidarity issued a list of demands to City Council. We demand more urban renewal, affordable housing, eminent domain to force homeowners into renting. The group also had 4 demands that urban renewal have only positive consequences. Specifically they called out the loss of civil rights resulting from loss of land ownership.
We still have this Klan system, which enabled the public stealing of real estate by the At-Large majority from the voting minorities denied representation. The 1895 Chamber of Commerce pushed the city manager government since 1913. It was opposed by a law suit and at least 2 mayors. The opposition warned that the business-like Commission government was a trick to steal land and disempower the blacks. How right they were. The direct democracy majority-only system ushered in a new era of racial persecution. In the previous system, blacks were elected to the Council. After 1924 the next black would be 1970, elected to represent the white majority. Mayor Charles Barbour was a racial minority, but not a political minority. The parks are different. They have been reformed and are no longer segregated. The public schools have been reformed and are now integrated. But the Klan City Council system has not been reformed despite several efforts to turn back the clock. NAACP referendums in 1981-1982. Commission on representation 2004. Commission on how to elect the school board 2006. So there's historical pent-up frustration coming to a logger-head on Saturday. The establishment Left blame the Right for the Klan policies the Left strongly defends. They've called the radio to blame Vinegar Hill on the Republicans. City Council strongly opposes representation of voting minorities, which has grown to 80% of registered voters now excluded because of low turnout and nihilism. Hence the unpopularity of erasing landmarks that point to the solutions of our problems today. And the silencing of dissent with new speech rules Jan. 2016. So the pressure has been building for some time. Let's hope Saturday's rally is safe and releases some of the pent-up frustration.
The case of Peter Norman, white person, deleted from history of the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City. He didn't raise his fist because he didn't have a glove. But he was wearing the anti-discrimination button and suffered in Australia more than the black track athletes John Carlos and Tommie Smith suffered in America. Norman was recognized in recent years.
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