Table of Contents — Normal — Frames City Council 1st & 3rd Mondays 6:30 p.m.
![]() ![]() I will discuss Hidden In Plain Sight, basically my version of the Blue Ribbon Commission's report, the inclusive history Charlottesville's City Council is looking for. The ultimate goal of the promotional campaign is for President Donald J. Trump to tweet a link to the book. Any commentary is icing on the cake.
Read the free sample from the color Ebook and first 6 images to see how unusual and rare this book really is.
Promotion 3 p.m. Fri. Apr. 13, 2018.
Hidden In Plain SightThe History of Charlottesville and the August 12, 2017 RiotNow available on Amazon Kindle for only $1.99 on all platforms with the free reader app. Compelling description and lengthy excerpt at Amazon. 12 Chapters, 244 Kindle screen pages, 85 color images. Published March 4, 2018.Chapter 1 is my citizen's report to the President. The goal is to build momentum, get the President to mention the book in public. Countdown to the first anniversary.
— After the riot at Lee Park on August 12, 2017, President Donald J. Trump said he wanted to study Charlottesville's history to find out what happened. Mr. President: This book is your study manual. —
The 168-page b&w paperback is now on The Blurb on the Back Cover After the riot at Lee Park on August 12, 2017, President Donald J. Trump said he wanted to study Charlottesville's history to find out what happened. Mr. President: This book is your study manual. Chapter 1 is my citizen's report to the President. Countdown to the first anniversary. What events lead up to the riot? In the short-term and the long-term.
The book is a resource for local history. Chronicles the events leading up to August 12. Summarizes the historical milestones that create the Charlottesville we know today.
The link has changed. But the old link redirects to the new link. (March 11) becomes .../product-23586469.html (April 3). The revision affects the ranking. With 33 units sold (31 to me) the book climbed from about 250,000 to 52,000. And the 5 Likes are lost. The color Ebook for any platform is only $1.99. The Amazon excerpt into Chapter One and 6 images give a feel for the book. Here's the idea. You notice the paperback in a waiting room. Download the color Ebook while you wait.
Typo on front cover of paperback. "The Building momentum for the summer.
33 b&w paperbacks printed so far. 2 by a friend. 31 by me for promotional distribution or $12. Now down to 29 copies of the first printing.
7 p.m. Sat. Mar. 31, 2018.
Republicrats don't disagree with your ideas; they disagree with you personally. You see it in social media constantly. Republicrats take both sides of the issue depending on who you are. The debate 2 nights ago in Charlottesville was at Garrett Hall (named for first bursar of UVA, friend of Thomas Jefferson who reported Jefferson's final breath was peaceful. Alexander Garrett's farm became the biggest, most controversial part of Charlottesville's urban renewal.) Corey Stewart came to Charlottesville and stood up to the Antifa nonprofit fascists. So his physical courage as a real hero will always stand above empty name-calling. Check out my nonfiction book. "Hidden In Plain Sight: History of Charlottesville and August 12, 2017 Riot".
Promotion 9 a.m. Thu. Mar. 29, 2018.
– Thomas Paine on the natural resources of the colonies to provide military supplies. For 1 / 20th the cost of the British navy, the 13 colonies could create an equal navy. The claim must have been disputed. A later edition ran the numbers. 95% of the Royal naval budget is waste and corruption. "Seldom is our first thought correct." Published on January 10, 1776, "Common Sense" builds the case for a Declaration of Independence. So the ideas are familiar. The book is a collection of fact-based editorials as chapters. They each start with rational abstract arguments with big words and compound sentences. Then it goes to Bible quotes and emotional appeals like "blood" and "slaughter" that sound like speeches. The time for argument is over! 'Tis the time of the musket.... I'm preparing to do the audio version of "Hidden In Plain Sight." So I thought this 2-hour 10-min public domain audio book might give me some ideas.
Promotion 2:30 p.m. Sat. Mar. 24, 2018.
We see it in Friendship "Court". Yep. Another public felony. The At-Large majority steals real estate from the voting minorities to benefit other favored minorities. So groups compete for unequal resources.
Promotion 12 p.m. Sun. Mar. 18, 2018.
The color ebook with 85 images is only $1.99 at Amazon Kindle.
The b&w and color paperback is at
Promotion 7:30 p.m. Sat. Mar. 17, 2018.
In 2003 the anti-urban renewal campaign focused on the House of Delegates. Nobody was seeking the Republican nomination against the heavily favored incumbent since 1981. Blair Hawkins saw that as an opportunity. But the party chose the Democratic candidate. "I will paint the campaign as a historic contest between a man who voted for urban renewal, and a man whose family was displaced and disempowered by those votes." At that time, people thought Eminent Domain was fair market value for any reason. So the ideas of public use and just compensation seemed radical and extreme. Hawkins was lampooned. Two years later the Kelo decision validated the existence of those concepts. Van Yahres announced his retirement on the birthday of his final challenger, March 5, 2005, at a spaghetti dinner in Hawkins' childhood neighborhood Van Yahres had voted to bulldoze. The nomination process contrasted with 2003. In the 2012 state property amendment, the City Republicans finally endorsed Due Process civil rights. Too little too late. Today the local party has become inactive.
Chapter 5 is the longest chapter in the book because stealing real estate is the biggest issue in Charlottesville. It started with Vinegar Hill. But it hasn't stopped.
Am I spam? Or the invisible grassroots lens from a Charlottesville native. The President said he wanted to study Charlottesville's history to find out what really happened. I don't think anyone can tell the story like I can. "Hidden In Plain Sight." Amazon Kindle and Lulu paperback. Countdown to August 12 anniversary.
Hear me discuss the real Charlottesville on WCHV radio last Friday.
It's like building a mosque on top of a church. Why can't they build the mosque next door? Why must they bulldoze the church? Because it's all about HATE. Tubman's name is used to justify ethnic cleansing and scrubbing of history. Y'all think Harriet would be down with that, okay with giving the impression the slaves had no slave masters? What a twisted history! Blaming everything on the slaves. "What if you were a black person on [March 3, 1865, Liberation Day in Charlottesville, Va]? How do you feel? In 1860 there bloody spectacles of torture and lynching as the white minority feared a slave revolt. But now all the alpha males are dead. 22,000 war casualties came to Charlottesville, twice the county population. You wanted to be free. You wanted retribution for the mean, violent slave drivers. But did you want the burning of cities and crops throughout the South? Did you want civilian women and children to be killed? The more the North used slavery to justify the atrocities, the more resentment grew toward former slaves. Unrest began to stir in the South. But in Charlottesville, the Golden Age was unfolding."
Elks Lodge makes the cut. Benevolent Protective Order 389 is organized 1897 and built 1902 for $20,000. Same price as the UVA Rotunda. Which is $3,000 cheaper than than Thomas Jefferson "donated" his book collection to start the Library of Congress after the Capital was burned in the War of 1812.
City Council must give permission for its public housing department to accept federal HUD funding. Paragraph 5 is more evidence that the Urban Renewal agency is not at all independent. My ebook is full of other truths that you can't handle. Hidden In Plain Sight.
Shared to Facebook Group Lost Garrett Neighborhood.
WCHV Radio Appearance. 6:35 a.m. Fri. Mar. 9, 2018.
First media appearance to promote the book. Thank you Joe Thomas.
@rushlimbaugh Rush, seems like you mention #Charlottesville every day on WCHV 107.5. My citizen's report to @POTUS is Chapter 1 of "Hidden In Plain Sight."
Excerpt at Kindle . @joethomaswchv . @Blair1776 .
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